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Reopening Update

As many of the UK’s museums, galleries & other attractions begin to reopen following an extended period of closure, we’d like to provide an update of our own

After careful consideration of the safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors and the feasibility of making this small building covid-safe during uncertain times, the Museum will remain closed for the near future and we will take the opportunity to implement an agreed refocusing of its mission and objectivesIn addition to planning for a safe and practical reopening, we aim to conclude this process before reopening to the public in the New Year 2021, in time for our thirtieth anniversary.   

The Fan Museum’s Director, Trustees, staff & volunteers look forward to warmly welcoming back visitors early next year when a sumptuous exhibition of lace fans will mark the launch of a year-long celebratory programme of exhibitions, lectures, workshops and social events.   

Meanwhile, stay connected and visit our social media platforms and website for digital initiatives, news updates, feature articles and to search our collection of 2,500+ fans, fan leaves and related materials.

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Museum Admission Pricing

Adults: £5.00
Children (age 7-16): £3.00
Family ticket (up to 2 Adults and up to 3 Children, also 1 Adult and 4 Children): £10.00
Concessions: £3.00
  • Students (with vaild student card)
  • Senior citizens
  • English Heritage
  • Friends of The Horniman
  • Friends of The Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Staff/Volunteers of the National Maritime Museum
Free Entry for…

Children under 7, Disabled visitors and carers, Art Fund Members and London Pass Members

Wednesday Special:

Free entry for senior citizens.

Please note that the discounts listed above cannot be applied when visitors are part of a large group visit or guided tour group.  Please click here for further details.

Group Bookings