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Who We Are

Get to know The Fan Museum's small team of dedicated staff.

Mrs H E Alexander, MBE FRSA

Founder and Director, The Fan Museum

Hélène Alexander has for more than thirty years served as The Fan Museum’s Director. She was born in Alexandria, Egypt and educated at the Lycée Français d’Alexandrie. She holds a degree in History of Art from London University and has been associated with the Victoria and Albert Museum where she worked for 13 years as a volunteer prior to establishing The Fan Museum in partnership with her husband, Mr A V Alexander, CBE.

She has practical experience of work in the theatre, has taught history of art, lectured extensively and written numerous articles and books on the subject of fans – many of which can be purchased via the Museum’s online gift shop.

She has assembled one of the most comprehensive fan collections in the world, and it is this collection upon which The Fan Museum was founded. She has mounted numerous exhibitions of fans in many parts of the country and has lent from her collection to a number of prestigious exhibitions within the UK and abroad.

The Full Time Staff of The Fan Museum

With a wide range of expertise and experience, the small full-time team of staff at The Fan Museum are on hand to help you out.

From left to right: Vidita Gupta, Museum Assistant, Sophie Long, General Manager, Helen Persson Swain, Museum Keeper and Curator, and Will Downie, Buildings Manager.


Mary Kitson, MA

Curatorial Consultant, The Fan Museum

Mary has worked part-time with The Fan Museum since 2002, and lectures freelance on fans of all periods and types, but with a special emphasis on the Grand Tour and the late 18th century.

Mary is the Hon. Membership Secretary of The Fan Circle International and a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Fan Makers.

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Museum Admission Pricing

Adults: £5.00
Children (age 7-16): £3.00
Family ticket (up to 2 Adults and up to 3 Children, also 1 Adult and 4 Children): £10.00
Concessions: £3.00
  • Students (with vaild student card)
  • Senior citizens
  • English Heritage
  • Friends of The Horniman
  • Friends of The Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Staff/Volunteers of the National Maritime Museum
Free Entry for…

Children under 7, Disabled visitors and carers, Art Fund Members and London Pass Members

Wednesday Special:

Free entry for senior citizens.

Please note that the discounts listed above cannot be applied when visitors are part of a large group visit or guided tour group.  Please click here for further details.

Group Bookings